Workantile Exchange Website

See for more information and to fill out an application

Status:  The build out is complete and Mighty Good Coffee is nearly ready to open.  We await the arrival of the desks, and plan to open gradually over the next few weeks.

Contact us if you would like to receive further information about Workantile Exchange and be notified about our Grand Opening in June and other events.

If you are interested in becoming part of Workantile Exchange please fill out the application.


Here is what has been going on:

Mighty Good Coffee is in. There will be a kiosk in the front of the space. Ya Hoo.

Work has progressed quickly and steadily. We are now at the mercy of the city and its process. As soon as the ok is given we can sound proof, drywall, trim, paint and finish (about three weeks worth of work), and then open the space.

Construction: The walls are framed. The load calculations for the electric circuits to avoid resonance on the neutral (a problem when computers are in a series) are completed and wiring is being pulled. Plumbing has begun and is nearly complete. Fire suppression system is complete. Heating system is being updated.

I am now waiting on the city to do its thing. One of the more absurd items is with the Historic District Commission’s new 360 review, the windows in the alley fall under its jurisdiction. Windows in the alley must be historically appropriate!

Furniture: I am negotiating with several furniture manufacturers, distributors, etc. Deals will be finalized for the initial furnishings soon.

Insurance, lawyers, and other minutia: Insurance is done. Users of the coworking space are members and enter into a license agreement for access to the space. The license agreement is nearly complete.

Next steps: Entry system, website, mail boxes, storage units and system, and copy area: These are the immediate items to tackle next.


Secured insurance. Mundane but necessary.

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came to lunch, has contacted me, or offered input.

Work continues on the space. Lawyers are lawyering, insurance people are insuranceing, regulators are regulating- process is all around.

The 1st Coworker

Conditions will inprove with time

Conditions will improve with time

I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday.

If you would like to join the luncheon- noon, Tues Jan 27- please RSVP

I need to know how much food to order so please RSVP to be counted, either in the comment field or:
Twitter: @coworkA2

Hope to see you there!

Name for the Ann Arbor Coworking Space: The JobSite?

I find myself refering to the future coworking space at 118 S. Main Street as “the jobsite” while managing the build out.  What do you think?  There is a tad of double entendre.

Watching the Inauguration at Arbor Brewing Company

Ann Arbor Gathers at Arbor Brewing Company to watch Obama be sworn in.

Ann Arbor Gathers at Arbor Brewing Company to watch Obama be sworn in.


Demolition; or, Creating Beautiful Spaces from Old Places

The first thing: get rid of seventy years of accumulated layers.  The ceiling tiles must come, Plaster must be chisled off of the walls to expose the brick,  three old floors must be pulled up to expose the original floor.  This is an exercise in discovery.  Will the tin ceiling remain?  Will it be intact?  What condition is the floor in? What will the brick look like after the plaster is removed?

At 118 S. Main St. we discovered that the floor is in remarkably good shape, a rich patina,  few holes or missing sections.  The only thing left of the tin ceiling, unfortunately, is the shadow of what was once there.  And the brick cleaned up well.

Gone are the acoustic ceiling tiles, the white smooth walls, and the green carpet;  what is left feels warm, inviting and comfortable

Most of the work was done at night and during the weekends to minimize the disruption to the neighbors.

Brick before acid wash and power wash

Brick before acid wash and power wash



118 S. Main St. Ann Arbor, Michigan

Coworking Space in Ann Arbor Michigan

Coworking Space in Ann Arbor Michigan